Thursday, March 11, 2010

teaching: ur doin it wrong

Reading this has only solidified my belief that we do teacher training wrong.  All through my teacher training I looked for specific fixes to problems and all I ever got were unsatisfactory references to "finding what works for you."  This only reinforces for everyone that classroom management and good teaching are magic - it's a talent that you just have.  And if you just care hard enough and work hard enough and suffer long enough, you'll figure it out.  Otherwise, you fail.

I feel like I got set up to fail.

That, my friends, is why teaching continues to be snubbed as a true profession.  We treat it as touchy-feely-save-the-children bullshit before teachers hit the classroom, don't give new teachers any real tools for managing children, and then expect them to create entire tribes of perfect standardized test-takers.  DOES NOT COMPUTE.

Oh, right.  I said I would shut up about education.

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